What It Means To Surrender

If you’re in the self-development space or spiritual/faith based space you will here this often, surrender to the Unvierse/God/Spirit. And I absolutely believe this, because between surrendering control over the things you cannot control and planning aligned action for your dreams - is the sweet spot of pure bliss and magic.

Now that’s not saying it’s easy but with practice anything can become muscle memory. That means we will never perfectly surrender control but overtime it will become easier to course correct and have the awareness that you are griping on so tightly.

Sometimes we can want to know the answers so badly that we miss the journey to finding ourselves in those answers. Sometimes we are being prepared to have those answers, so we can hold them with ease and grace, and by the time we get to the end goal we are ready to fully embrace it. Whereas if we skipped to the end before being ready for it, it wouldn’t be as sweet as we thought it would be.

So what does this look like practically?

  • prayer/meditation/devotional (any form of clearing your mind and focusing on something positive)

  • moving your body to release energy and tension (dance, walking, weight lifting, stretching, anything)

  • hydration and rest

  • journalling intentions and desires

  • journalling fears and worries

  • talking to a loved one, trusted friend, or therapist

  • getting things wrong and dusting yourself off while pivoting

Again, it takes practice but man when you hit this area of surrender is it peaceful.

With love,



Why Your Voice Matters When It Comes To Business


A Piece Of My Journey