
Metamorphosis: Bringing The Butterflies Back To The Depth Of Companionship

Includes private voice and text messaging with options of 1-4x per week, and includes access to the private vault with lessons, practices, and meditations

This is for those tired of the generic ways of connecting like ‘date night’ or ‘love language’ but you’re not going deeper with these concepts and the energy and intention behind them.

Join me in embracing the energetics of how you show up in your relationship and understanding the mastery of it, is what leads to a thriving, connected relationship that breathes new life into your daily connection.


Community Management Consulting

Imagine having a chat over a cup of coffee, sharing insights and strategies to make your community thrive. Our community management consulting service is like that – relaxed and approachable, but backed by expert knowledge and experience.

I offer tailored advice to help you build and maintain an engaged, and lively community. From crafting effective engagement strategies to resolving conflicts and fostering a positive atmosphere unique to your community, I’m here to support you every step of the way. Our expertise covers all aspects of community management, including content planning, moderation techniques, and member retention/conflict management.

Think of me as your go-to guide for creating a community where everyone feels valued and connected. With our help, you’ll not only grow your community but also nurture a space where meaningful interactions happen every day.

Starting at $157

Community Management

I’m here to help you build and manage a vibrant community with ease and expertise. I offer tailored support to help you create and maintain an engaged, thriving community. Here’s how we can help:

Community Management:

  • Develop effective engagement strategies and become a dedicated member of your community.

  • Resolve conflicts and foster a nourishing atmosphere.

  • Be a go-to resource for your people when they need support to navigate your community.

  • Provide content planning sessions, moderation techniques, and member feedback strategies.

  • Create and manage community events.

  • Develop easy-to-use customizable templates for a multitude of purposes ranging from reminder emails to resource drops.

Community Launch Planning (Add-On or Standalone):

  • Design a comprehensive launch strategy focusing on client experience and dynamics within the community.

  • Coordinate SOPs and scripts for your team to use when engaging with your community to ensure world-class experiences.

  • Execute launch events and ensure initial member engagement.

  • Provide orientations for new members to acclimatize to the space to minimize learning curves.

  • 1-hour debrief post-launch about what worked and what could shift for the next launch

My passion is supporting your visionary plans come to life, and my ability to see the big picture and what little details need to take place in order for a thriving community, combined with my efficiency is just the piece your missing.

Starting at $750

Business System Trainings

Unlock the full potential of your business with our tailored system training solutions. Whether you're navigating platforms like Mighty Networks, Kartra, Squarespace, or other business software, we ensure that you find the perfect fit for your unique needs.

My custom trainings are designed to make these tools clear, intuitive, and easy to maintain, so you can focus on what matters most - growing your business.

My approach is hands-on and personalized, ensuring that you not only understand how to use your chosen software but also feel confident in its daily application. My goal is to empower you with the knowledge and skills to manage your systems independently, enhancing your efficiency and productivity.

Additionally, you can hire me to train your clients on these systems. Whether it's helping them navigate their community spaces or understanding how to effectively use their business backends, I provide comprehensive training that ensures your clients are well-equipped and confident in their software usage.

Starting at $100

Podcast Support

Think of me as your partner, here to help you elevate your podcast with ease and simplicity.

I offer tailored support to help you create and maintain a high-quality podcast that engages and grows your audience. Here’s how I can help:

Tier 1:

  • Edit weekly podcasts and deliver a post-able file.

Tier 2:

  • Everything in Tier 1.

  • Post to platforms.

  • Create titles, show notes, and links.

Tier 3:

  • Everything in Tier 2.

  • Produce 2x sound bites for social media.

  • Conduct light analytic reviews.

With my help, you’ll not only produce great content, but also reach and engage your audience with more ease and less to-do’s on your list.

Starting at $330