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Speaking on the tired ways of generic connection like date night or love language that actually require going deeper into it with the concept of energy and intention behind them. We dive into embracing the energetics of how you show up in your relationship and understanding the mastery of it, is what leads to a thriving, connected relationship

Personal Mental Health Journey

The journey over my lifetime with diagnoses from depression, bipolar, fibromyalgia, to PPD/PPA and how using tools such as meditation, medication, therapy, mindfulness and more have empowered me to celebrate my story while intentionally crafting my futuring.

Marriage, Long-Term Relationships, Energetics Meets Tanigable Actions For Thriving Companionship

Infertility, PCOS, IVF, Motherhood

The journey with PCOS that lead to infertility and undergoing IVF at the ages of 26 and 29 to managing motherhood as someone with neurodivergence, and chronic illness like fibromyalgia. Talking about ways to keep a strong partnership with your spouse through adversities and challenges that start based on healthy communication and positive ways of coping with daily stressors.

The Why & Way 5-Point Framework

Understanding the why behind where your story has been and the way it is taking you - ultimately leaving you with tangible ways to move forward living an intentional life tailored to you.

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Client Love

  • "Emma is the best investment a leader with a big vision could make. If you want more volume you need the systems, the structures, and the support to handle and hold it."

  • "Honestly, you were the first person who came to mind because I knew I could trust you. You have an authentic and wholesome vibe to you, that I appreciate. I'm big on energies, and I knew you would take this request seriously and would love to put your skills to work"

  • "You are so fcking amazing. Thank you so much for this epic support. You are literally saving my life right now... I love all of that!!! And feels so good to have this level of support"

  • "Hiring Emma has been a god send! I knew I wanted to up level my business, to have the energetic capacity to hold more, and this was the exact move my soul was guiding me toward! Emma is very efficient and super involved in the process... She understands your business, your brand, your mission, and your vision! She truly cares about being a part of the expansion of you! What makes the support from Emma out of this world is that she also weaves her intuitive gifts into her role. A complete luxurious, taken care of experience when you're in Emma's world!!"

  • "Emma - having you on my team brings me PEACE!!! You've helped me streamline and up-level so many areas of my business. Always in my corner when I need you. You're able to adapt and pivot on a dime. You get systems and strategy. And are a woman I can completely trust and rely on to get shit done! Truly I couldn't have held this expansion without you! Thank you for everything you do for me and the business!"

  • "You've been so supportive, beyond my expectations! I'm so happy we had this opportunity to work together! You're a superstar! I couldn't have done this without you"

  • "I am so happy with everything and so grateful for the help. Your guidance, and just all of it. My dream really is here!!!"