A Piece Of My Journey

My journey started from a young age but it really came to a head when I turned 16. I was dealing with a lot of angst, and emotional ups and downs but a deep depression ultimately took over. This was the beginning of my current 14 year journey. One that would lead me to find holistic ways to manage my symptoms combined with the science-based approach of medication and cognitive behavioural therapy.

When I turned 18 my digangois was shifted to bipolar disorder. This made a lot of sense given the ups and downs and the intensity of them. My early 20s were filled with poor choices that did not support an environment of healing but was more a call of desperation to fit in and be liked. It led me to the worse peaks of my mental health and ultimately a hospital stay to have my medications assessed. I met a young man in there who gave me a gift of a deep conversation where he let me know this did not have to be my life, I could make my life anything I wanted and to go after a way of feeling good and healthy. And so I did.

I found yoga in my high school years as a way to challenge my body physically but also nourish my mind and soul through the mind/body connection. I would later go on to obtain my certification so I could deepen my understanding of the spiritual teachings the yoga is founded on. I also certified in meditation and reflexology as ways to deepen my knowledge on the mind/body connection and follow my passion for holistic healing. Although I haven’t taught or provided reflexology in many years I keep the lessons and teachings with me in my every day living.

I now share my passion of celebrating our stories regardless of where they have taken us and encourage others to intentionally craft their futures entwined with hope, desires, and dreams. Pushing others to release the shame, and understand at any given moment we are doing the best with what we know.

I have so much more to say on these topics. And in time I will share, because it is my calling to share my years of experience and learnings to ultimately share with others that their past does not define their future, and with mindset shifts and the right utilization of resources - they can have the future they desire.


What It Means To Surrender


Friendship Before Relationship