What Does Self-Care Really Mean?

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This past weekend was Mother’s Day, and I often read about and hear about mother’s / mom figures just wanted to rest and nourish themselves. “Have the day off”. And I love that! But when we break it down - what does it really mean? (Hint: something different for everyone).

For me it was all about family time, having a slow morning, and not stressing about the details. So on Saturday we went to a donation-based zoo with our daughter, and then on Sunday I slept in while hubs took our daughter for a walk with the dog and my mom and I went for breakfast just the 2 of us. The days were filled with puttering around the house and just taking it slow. I love slow and intentional days.

But I had conversations where moms were excited to go to a spa day alone, or out for a big family meal with grandparents. THIS is what I mean when I say in business - no one need is the same, there is no universal definition of how supportiveness unfolds.

Business systems only work if they actually support you. Organizational systems for everyday life, only work if they actually support you. And everyone has different definitions of what support they need AND how it looks.

Some of us have short attention spans, low energy, fluctuating energy, easy overwhelm, easily distractible, etc, etc. And because all of these can look so different for different people we have to get hyper intentional about how we plan our support.

Thriving is not just for those who can clock in for 8 hour days, who don’t get exhausted quickly, who don’t get overwhelmed. It is for EVERYONE who desires a life and business of freedom to be who they truly are and not need to confirm to a “standard” that quite frankly doesn’t support most of our population.

Nourishment. Community. Radical Acceptance.

Take care of you - mind, body, soul.

Build your community IRL or online that makes you feel seen and heard.

Meet yourself where you are, and make a plan to thrive from that starting point.


Planning My Day (with Notion)


Rest, Nourishment, Community