Planning My Day (with Notion)

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Mom of 1 spunky toddler here, pregnant with one on the way, business owner, wife, daughter, etc which sums into life can get busy af. How many labels do you have currently to describe the million jobs you do?

We need simple ways to help ourselves stay clear-minded, organized, and adaptable. I do love a good handwritten to-do list (like the one in our shop here) but I am also obsessed with Notion. So today I want to break it down and walk you through how I plan my day with Notion.

I start by brain-dumping my weekly to-do’s including appointments for this week, deadlines, client tasks, grocery needs, and so much more. The reason I love Notion is because you can click and drag your tasks around if you need to reschedule them. Simplicity is key. One of the reasons I love this is because it gives you a concrete visual of how overloaded your day may be and it allows you to reassess and shift things to feel supportive, nourishing, and still productive aka sustainably productive.

I then use spots for upcoming events that are not needing attention yet but will need it soon. And then a brain dump session for both everyday life and business that I have yet to organize when they need to be done.

This whole process takes me anywhere from 5-15 minutes and I typically do it Friday afternoon heading into the weekend or Monday morning. So in less than 15 minutes my entire week is planned and thought out. To me that time back and mental space is invaluable. And it is why it is one of my core systems to nourish my schedule and time management.


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