Supportive Systems and Instant Coffee

Having a system to help manage your life, business, and time is like choosing instant coffee vs slow-brewed.

How you ask? Let’s break it down.

Instant coffee is quick and hits the spot, but in North America is not as common of a choice when time allows for slower-brewed coffee. However some people love it, and culturally across the globe IS the go-to over and over. This is the same when picking a system. There can be 2 good options, both with pros and cons, BUT you have to choose the one that brings you the most joy (aka hits the spot). And if your force yourself to pick an option just because everyone else is (cue the age-old question: if your friends jumped off a cliff would you?) then you may end up with a system that doesn’t actually feel good or supportive.

So what can you do? Pick the one that feels delicious, rich, and supportive.

There are 3 main categories I would suggest you focus on when picking a supportive system/routine.

  1. Does it help cut down on the time/energy I have to spend?

  2. Does it stress me out to maintain?

  3. Would I enjoy consistently using this system/routine?

And if the answers are yes… then TAKE ACTION.

What could you do right now to step towards feeling more supported?


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