Rest, Nourishment, Community

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Rest + Self-Nourshiment makes our communities stronger. When we are taking care of ourselves from a whole person perspective, we can support and take care of each other in all new ways. We can no longer just be worried about someone’s physical wellbeing, or just mental wellbeing, or just spiritual well-being. What creates our picture of wellness includes so many aspects. Financial, mental, spiritual, physical, educational, resource access, community morale, career, family, personal, intimacy… so many parts of us make up our well-being so why do we keep focusing on just 1 or 2?

If someone is financially stressed, they are likely not focusing on where they can invest in more self-care treatments. When someone is chronically ill, their primary focus may not be how can I do more in my career right now? Everyone is having a different experience and it is all valid.

So then how do we nourish ourselves when the playing field is so uneven? We do what we can, when we can, with what we have. And when possible those of us who find ourselves with extra income, or time, or resources - you share them with those around you.

Sometimes it can be as simple as a conversation and giving advice when asked. It can be paying for someone’s coffee behind you in line. It can be volunteering your time. Offering to shovel your neighbour’s sidewalk. It can be cooking an extra meal for your friend who’s struggling with something. It can be donating to your favourite charity. It can be doing monthly giveaways in your business or offering free tuition to a course you know will change someone’s life. It can look like SO many things.

But, you cannot pour from an empty cup. So the first step that is vital is nourishing you. So what are you doing today to support yourself?

Here is a clip from my latest 5-Minute Monday that prompts you into deeper intentionality for the week:

☕️ Where can I insert small pockets of kindness for myself?

☕️ Where can I insert small pockets of rest for myself?

☕️ What’s one thing I can do to ask for help? And actually, let that person help.

That’s it, folks. Now it’s your turn to go nourish yourself, remember your worth, and love on those around you.

You can sign up for our Monday chats here, where we dive into a weekly affirmation, my reflections for the week, some grounding techniques, some prompts for your week ahead, my favourite new find, and my favourite current mindfulness moment. It’s jam-packed but takes maximum 5 minutes to read so you can get going with your Monday feeling nourished.

You can also now ‘share a coffee’ with the community. You pick any amount and I will make sure it goes back into the community (like buying a stranger their coffee). To move forward as a society we have to take care of each other. Making someone’s day a little bit brightened even for a moment can change their entire outlook. Click here to contribute.


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