Strengthen Your Inner Systems

I know we have seen so many articles on how to boost the immune system in the wake of Covid-19. But realistically we should always be working on strengthening our internal systems, just like we work on our mind, and outer body. By strengthening our immune and inner workings, we give ourselves a stronger foundation to build on.

First things first – Relax

The higher our stress the more cortisol is released in our bodies. Cortisol is a stress hormone, it can wreak havoc on the body when consistently present. Not only does is impede healthy weight transformations, and sleep patterns – it can weaken our body’s ability to fight of infections and virus.

Tips to help relax: meditation, walking, cooking, reading, music, yoga.

Second – Vitamin C

I am sure we have all heard that when you feel a cold coming on you take some Vitamin C, or that a glass of orange juice in the morning is the best way to start your day. This is because vitamin C helps to give a boost to your immune system and its fighting abilities. Whereas orange juice does have vitamin C it can also container a lot of sugar sometimes, so some other options include: red peppers, dark greens, strawberries.

Third – Movement

Having some form of movement every day has been linked to an increase in your immune system’s capabilities. As well that even when you are already feeling slightly run down (of course always listening to what you need first) – if you can have a walk or some yoga when feeling the beginnings of illness it can help spike your white blood cells (the immune system soldiers) and immobilize them to work and fight quicker to dismantle the illness.

Fourth – Sleep is Your Friend

The less time you sleep, the greater of a decline and hit to your immune system. On average it has been shown that if someone has less than 7 hours of sleep a night the likelihood of them getting sick increases. The science behind this is that when you are asleep your body has a chance to release fighter chemicals and restore balance to your system that is working so hard during awake hours. So when you don’t sleep, your body loses out on time to really restore and heal. Prioritize at least 7 hours of sleep.

Sending you love and light – now and always.


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