Conscious living is not just for the ‘free spirit’

We so often romanticize the ability to travel freely, do whatever we desire, be whoever we want to be - but then feel trapped and restricted by our current life. But… what if we could romanticize our current life and situation? What if, we could implement aspects of our dreams into the now?

Conscious living can be found in the suburban neighbours of parents, aunts and uncles, siblings, children, caregivers, and anyone else who finds themselves there. It can be found in the fast pace of city living. It can be found in the busy-ness of the day to day.

Taking action is not exclusive to fast living. When we actually slow down long enough to be intentional in each action, things DO actually move fast, but in divine ways.

I gave an analogy the other day explaining just this.

If we are flaying in a pool we are actually just moving fast, but not actually going anywhere.

If we are standing in the shallow end not moving, nothing is actually happening.

But if we move intentionally both ways, we make waves and impact on our surroundings.

So the challenge, and the opportunity for us as human beings, is taking our current status of life and figuring out how to infuse aspects of intentionality into everything we do.

Driving the kids to school? Pay attention on the drive there to what is happening around you, be in the now. Be in the present moment.

Walking the dog? See how the ground feels beneath you. Notice how supported you are. Feel into the emotions that surround the freedom of walking down the path with an animal, a friend, a being who adores you and loves you unconditionally.

Making coffee? Notice the warmth from a fresh brew. Or the chill of a crisped iced version. Notice the simple joy it brings you or the support of caffeine you are craving. Release the judgement of why you’re having it and grasp the magnitude of the simple pleasure of being able to have it regardless of the reason.

Intentional conscious living comes not from perfection or a certain aesthetic but from sinking into each moment with pleasure, grace, and joy. And in the hard moments, with just grace for being human and experiencing it however you are and feeling whatever you’re feeling.

So today, how are you going to move more intentionally?


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