Healthy Habits That Actually Matter

We almost always are bombarded with the “next best thing”, the next thing to fix our skin, to ease our stress, to make us “harder, better, faster, stronger…”. But when it comes down to it there are a few basic habits you can pick up and incorporate into daily life that will just make you feel better overall.

Unpopular opinion: healthy habits don’t get rid of bad days, or frustrating moments, but it can improve our day to day overall. We can have more good days, quicker recoveries from bad moments, and a general sense of peace.

So where do we begin?

1. Find People + Connect

Finding people you can talk to, grab a coffee with, send funny memes too – is all beneficial to your mental health and wellbeing. Even the person who genuinely appreciates quiet time and aloneness needs to connect once in a while. There are so many social groups on Facebook now, and so many ways through technology in which we can connect.

2. Mental Health & Wellness Are A Must

This is a huge priority. What we think, how we think, and how we view ourselves and the world make a significant impact on our day to day lives. I have tips and advice on how to improve and manage your mental wellness in this post here.

3. Mindfulness & Movement

Practicing mindfulness, incorporating meditation – is a game changer. Stress is going to happen, it is part of life. But how we respond and how we manage stress is what we can control. This is also similar to movement and exercise. By moving our bodies just 30 minutes a day we can significantly decrease our stress levels, and positively impact our mental health and anxiety.

4. Minimize Screen Time

Growing up my mom always told me no screens in bed, no screens past this certain time, etc. And of course as a rebellious teen I didn’t think much of it. But she was right. By being glued to our phones, our laptops, our tvs we are not only playing with the blue light we’ve heard to much about but we are stimulating our brains into overdrive and then wondering why we feel anxious. By reducing and limiting our digital times, we all of a sudden give ourselves some power back to reduce our worries, reduce our anxiety, and have some peace of mind.


It’s OK To Feel Emotions – Seriously


Overcoming Limits