Overcoming Limits

Do you wake up everyday feeling blah, feeling lack of motivation, lack of positivity, and just feeling rough? A few days like this is completely normal, but when it becomes an everyday thing it means we are getting stuck in a lack mindset.

What is a lack mindset? We attract with our energy that we are ok with these frequencies of not feeling good, not feeling inspired, or grateful. And be consistently being ok with this energy, we attract more of it to ourselves, starting a tricky cycle.

So what do we do? We break through and push past. When people ask you how you are? Be honest, but push yourself. “I’m feeling a little rough but I’m going to have such a good day.” “I’m feeling off, but this is what I’m going to do to help myself feel better”. See what I did there? I acknowledge my truth of where I’m at but I put out my desire and want for a different outcome, AND I made a plan to do it. It is one thing to wish for a different feeling, but that is not enough. You have to put into action a plan that is going to help you overcome your limits, that is going to push you past your old limiting beliefs and see you succeed.

How do we do this? There are many ways to overcome energy and mindset blocks.

One is coaching (you can find me here).

Two is meditation and mindfulness.

Three is movement (ie. walking, dancing, cycling, boxing, swimming, yoga, etc).

Four is hydration.

Five is nutrition (eating fulfilling meals that fuel you).

Six is trust. Trusting that you will get better, stronger, clearer, and fulfilled.

What works for you to get yourself back on track? Make a list and get to it. You deserve to feel good.


Healthy Habits That Actually Matter