Just Breathe. Simple Right? Mmm…

We do it without even thinking. We don’t often have to remind ourselves “oh right take a breath”. But what we also don’t think about is the quality of our breath. We as a society can fall into a pattern of shallow breathing which in turn can actually make us more anxious – all without knowing. So here are some tips on maintaining and helping us breathe better.


Sit or stand up straight and tall, decompress the hunch over we can often fall into. By doing this it opens up the diaphragm (bottom part of the lung system that expands to allow for breathing) and this then allows for deeper breathing.

Breathe from the belly

Growing off our last point, by allowing space for the diaphragm to expand, and by focusing on “bringing air into the belly” it helps our body and mind shift into a deeper and higher quality of breath. To focus the attention of breath towards the belly, place your hand on top of your stomach and when you breathe, try to fill air into the stomach area and it should press your hand out. If this is hard to do it may mean you are breathing more from your chest area, and are tending to lean towards the shallower side. The more you practice the easier it becomes.

Slow down and breathe deep

By taking the time to focus on our breath we grow our practice of slowing down, and improving our breath quality. It can help us calm down, relax, re-focus, and balance mood. Start with 3 minutes and try to work your way up to 20 minutes. It’s all about practice and not about perfection.


Release the Negative


It’s OK To Feel Emotions – Seriously