Finding Your Strength in 6 Steps

How do we find our inner strength? How do we instill habits that will hold us strong when we feel weak? Keep reading to find out.

Be kind to yourself, and include self-care each day.

Give yourself at least 10 minutes of self-love, self-kindness, and self-care. This can be 5 minutes of breathing in the morning and at night, 10 minutes of reading a magazine or your favourite book, 10 minutes of music that soothes you or makes you wanna dance. Anything. Just 10 minutes for you.

Find support in those you surround yourself with.

Surround yourself with people who will support you, love you, accept you, and hold you accountable for being good to yourself. And for those who don’t? Try to spend less time with them if you can’t completely remove yourself from that relationship. Surround yourself with people who are positive, and working towards a better brighter future – who ALSO want to see you succeed. (This also includes your social media feed).

Learn something new.

By keeping yourself learning and adapting, it allows for your brain to approach different situations with a stronger ability to adapt and think outside the box.


Learning to adapt and change your negative self-talk. Meaning, blaming yourself and others, catastrophizing (worse case scenario), and thinking there’s no hope. For example, “wow she is doing so well, I’m such a loser” to “wow she is doing so well, I’m so happy for her, I have done so much too and am excited to keep growing myself – it is not a race”. Or, “Sally did so much this week, I wasn’t productive at all what was I even doing” to “this week I felt off and that’s OK – I took care of myself and that is the most important”.


Remind yourself what you are grateful for, and where there is abundance in your life.

Ask for Help.

Being strong does not mean doing it alone. Reach out. Talk to a friend, loved one, or even a therapist. You are stronger when you are taking care of you.


How to Reset and Bounce Back


Release the Negative